Turning Waste into Wonder

Turning Waste into Wonder

Did you know that 2.12 billion tons of waste is dumped globally each year? We are simply consuming way more than we need, and our precious planet is suffering because of our greed. Waste treatment and disposal produces harmful greenhouse gases, such as methane, which contributes to 20% of the green house effect – one of the main reasons for climate change.

If we carry on with these destructive habits, the earth’s resources will soon be depleted and it won’t be able to sustain us. Thankfully, more and more people around the world are starting to realise this, and are coming up with a number of ways to save our planet from its disastrous fate.

One way to decrease the amount of methane released into the earth’s atmosphere is to recycle. We’d like to inspire you to get on board with recycling by sharing a few creative ways in which people have turned waste into wonder.

Where Most See Waste, These People See Endless Creative Possibilities:

The Landfill Harmonic orchestra in Paraguay:

Feature image: myhero.com

Favio Cháves is an environmental engineer with a background in music. While working on a waste recycling project, he came across kids who were playing in landfill sites because their parents (who were working in the waste industry) could not afford to send them to school. He soon got to know these kids and decided to help them by offering music lessons. The only issue was the expense of the instruments. Favio soon worked around this and used his skills to engineer string and wind instruments out of waste. Talk about resourcefulness!

Water Bike Commute in China:


Never has the saying ‘necessity is the mother of all invention’ been truer than with this amphibious bicycle! Li Weiguo, designer of this ingenious creation, decided to save his daughter, Li Jin, from paying expensive commuting fees by building her this bike. His design uses plastic water containers that act as pontoons, which keep the bike afloat and give it stability. What a useful way to recycle!


Plastic Jewellery in Sweden

Feature image: inhabitat.com

Designer Kumvana Gomani, uses plastic bottles to craft her stunningly intricate jewellery. Kumvana ensures that all her products are manufactured according to strict ethical guidelines, which prevent environmental exploitation and the exploitation of local producers. Her passion for protecting the environment has lead her to empower designers and artists, in developing worlds, to support local economies through waste recycling.

We love how these creative people are not only saving the planet by recycling waste, but are also inspiring others around them to join their movements! The fate of future generations lies in in our hands, so we encourage you to take action and join us in our movement to save the planet and in Boody’s case to #wearwhatsgood.

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